Practical exercises on the operation of the electronic document management system

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Practical exercises on the operation of the electronic document management system

Practical exercises on the operation of the electronic document management system As part of the introduction of technical means to implement the development strategy, from March 10 to March 16, 2022, in the classroom (Minsk, Shafarnyanskaya st., 11), employees of JSC «ALEVKURP» were trained to work in the electronic document management system.
The introduction of an EDMS will allow not only to create, send and receive documents, but also reduce costs and reach a new level of business processes and communications with counterparties, as well as provide clear control over the entire set of processes when working with documents.
The purpose of the introduction of EDMS is to reduce the labor costs of personnel for processing and searching for documents by creating a single information space for automating the following areas of activity: office work (organizational and administrative documentation, appeals of citizens and legal entities) and control of executive discipline, contract work.

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