
The date was not chosen by chance: this day was an act of historical justice for the Belarusian people, divided against their will in 1921 under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty. The unity restored in 1939 allowed Belarus to survive during the Great Patriotic War, take an honorable place in the international community, and become one of the UN co-founders.
Today, the Belarusian people are united in choosing a strategic course for the development of a strong, sovereign and prosperous country. The establishment of the National Unity Day on September 17 emphasizes the continuity of generations, the inviolability and self-sufficiency of the Belarusian nation and statehood.
A large number of socio-political and patriotic events are timed to coincide with the Day of National Unity in the Republic of Belarus, as well as in the field of culture, museum activities and the media. May our thoughts and deeds contribute to the prosperity of our beloved Belarus! May there always be a positive attitude, warmth and comfort, harmony and understanding in our teams and homes!
Happy National Unity Day!